Provide protection for your clients and practice, download this sales tool for more.



Have your clients been seeking protection amidst market uncertainty or simply looking for a way to generate income in retirement? Have you considered adding annuities into your practice to help generate income for your clients and practice?

Download our tool, Fixed Index Annuities in Your Practice, to learn how to provide your clients, and practice, with protection against market downturns.


Please note that in order to provide a recommendation to a client about the liquidation of a securities product, including those within an IRA, 401(k), or other retirement plan, to purchase a fixed or variable annuity or for other similar purposes, you must hold the proper securities registration and be currently affiliated with a broker/dealer or registered investment advisor. If you are unsure whether or not the information you are providing to a client represents general guidance or a specific recommendation to liquidate a security, please contact the individual state securities department in the states in which you conduct business.

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